Bear River
Who entered into the Conservation Easement agreement?
The easement agreement is between Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (Grantor) and Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust (Grantee/Easement Holder). Additionally, Sacramento Valley Conservancy is the acting Preserve Manager, holding the Management Easement and Agreement for the property.
When was the Conservation Easement completed?
The original agreement between Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority and the Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust, and separate agreement between Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority and Sacramento Valley Conservancy, were both finalized on October 26th, 2022.
Where is the Bear River Conservation Easement located?
The property is located off Feather River Avenue, in the southern tip of Yuba County with a small portion also in Sutter County.
Why was the easement put in place?
The Preserve is part of the required mitigation for the nearly 2-mile-long Bear River Setback Levee project, which joins and reclaims over 600 acres of floodplain and habitat areas. The levee setback provided significant opportunities to enhance the ecological values of the project area through restoration of native habitats in the levee setback area, complemented by native habitat restoration in the adjacent existing floodway area.
What types of conservation values does the agreement protect?
The conservation easement permanently protects approximately 618 acres of high-quality riparian habitat, valley oak woodland habitat, shaded riverine aquatic habitat, open grassland habitat, and emergent wetland habitat. The easement will protect floodplain habitat that provides for nesting, foraging, and cover for numerous wildlife species, including migratory and resident songbirds, Swainson’s hawk and other raptors, habitat for the Valley elderberry longhorn beetle, and cover for numerous fish species during periods of high flows. The Preserve is adjacent to other State and private conservation and recreational areas located along the Feather River, currently providing over 3,000 acres of wildlife habitat. Together these protected areas form a nearly contiguous block of important remnant or restored habitat that serves as food supply, cover, and migration routes for wildlife, while also enhancing the overall biological diversity to promote the recovery and overall stability of special-status species and other native species.
The conservation partnership created under the agreements between Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority (Grantor), Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust (Grantee/Easement Holder), and Sacramento Valley Conservancy (Preserve Manager) will ensure the property is managed in a way that conserves the natural resources into perpetuity.
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Property is more than just real estate. It is a legacy, a part of family heritage.
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